So today I decided to use the belly band for my run. I don't think I broke that out until around 6 months last time - I'm not even to 5 months yet! It was a nice run - I took Nick out this morning and ran around town.
Here are some comparison pictures: Me at 20 weeks (last week)
I compare it to this one - me at 24 weeks with Nick.

What do you think? Boy? Girl? I like hearing guesses and reasoning.
I can't tell if I am carrying higher or lower so far. I like the speculation for sure.
Those of you that have 2 kids, did you have similar pregnancies and have different genders?
So far everything is like Nick - it's easy, I'm tired at night, I just feel huge for how far along I am as compared to Nick. The only other thing is that I don't remember having so much heartburn at this point. It's early!
On Monday, Bill found out that he got laid off at work.
The way everything was handled was very poopy and it stinks.
We are hopeful that he will find something better, but for now,
it is nice having him home to spend time with Nick and I.
Today I got my first facial in about 7 years.
I had a gift card to a local spa and my skin has just been awful.
I have blemishes everywhere and dry skin, oily skin.. it's just terrible.
The facial was nice and relaxing.
Then they recommend products at the end that are overpriced.
I would definitely do it again if someone gave me a gift card, but otherwise - damn!
So expensive!
I've still been thinking about the strollers. I don't have a normal stroller,
so I'm thinking about getting one of those first, then deciding on the bob revolution dualie.
I do have to say that I wish I bought the Bob Revolution instead of the ironman.
I want the swivel!!

I can't tell if I am carrying higher or lower so far. I like the speculation for sure.
Those of you that have 2 kids, did you have similar pregnancies and have different genders?
So far everything is like Nick - it's easy, I'm tired at night, I just feel huge for how far along I am as compared to Nick. The only other thing is that I don't remember having so much heartburn at this point. It's early!
On Monday, Bill found out that he got laid off at work.
The way everything was handled was very poopy and it stinks.
We are hopeful that he will find something better, but for now,
it is nice having him home to spend time with Nick and I.
Today I got my first facial in about 7 years.
I had a gift card to a local spa and my skin has just been awful.
I have blemishes everywhere and dry skin, oily skin.. it's just terrible.
The facial was nice and relaxing.
Then they recommend products at the end that are overpriced.
I would definitely do it again if someone gave me a gift card, but otherwise - damn!
So expensive!
I've still been thinking about the strollers. I don't have a normal stroller,
so I'm thinking about getting one of those first, then deciding on the bob revolution dualie.
I do have to say that I wish I bought the Bob Revolution instead of the ironman.
I want the swivel!!

I've often heard that the more kids you have, the faster you show each time. You're not huge - not even close :D
ReplyDeleteI'm going to guess a girl. :D
Love the new layout and look! super super cute!! :)
ReplyDeletelove the belly pics! i think you are having a girl!!! :)
Sorry to hear about your hubby losing his job. The same thing happened to mine about 3 months before our baby girl was born. It's a hard thing and was a big blow to my hubby's ego. He was off for about 4 months and it was great having him around for a full month after Samantha was born. Actually, I don't know what I would have done without him here!
ReplyDeleteYour belly looks great! I hear you start showing earlier with baby #2 because your body remembers what is going on and starts making changes a little earlier.
Also, love the BOB. We have a Revolution and it is awesome!
Keep cookin' the little one and keep running!
You're still so little!
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm not sure how true the high and low thing is BUT I'm starting to think the whole pointy tummy or not is true. Towards the end of my pregnancy with Ethan a friend told me it was a boy because I had a pointy tummy. She said that boys have more pointy bottoms and girls are broader and flat. I started noticing other pregnant women and it pretty much looked true!
So, for right now, you look like you're having a girl!
HUGE? Huge? You don't know the meaning of the word - did you see my 20 and now 24 week pics. I'm so darned short that the only way is out, so out my belly has gone!!!! Hee hee! The hugeness is all personal of course in comparison to what your used to.Looking pretty darn teeny from where I'm standing though.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've read, second pregnancies show earlier as your stomach muscles relax quicker second tine round - so prob a good thing you've got your band out for running. I've got one and it really makes things easier.
I'm so sorry about your husband's job. World economy is rubbish just now. Just as we decided to start a family Al was told his department was being let go. He won the 6 month contract available so we went ahead as tick tock - not getting any younger. He now has work until end of September, but it is horrible having that hanging over your head, especially with me having to fund my own maternity. The thing that has kept me calm(ish) is that I keep thinking things will work and probably for the better in the long run, but it doesn't half smart! If you don't object, I'll keep you in my prayers that all works out for you.
Girl or boy - who knows? I certainly have no idea what I'm having. Love the pointy tummy idea someone came up with - hilarious!
Love the new look. It is actually a little clearer to read.
So I really have no idea but I am going to guess a girl!
ReplyDeletebest stroller ever! I love mine!
ReplyDeleteOy, I'm really sorry to hear about Bill's job... We need to link up soon - seems like there's a lot to catch up on.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about your husband losing his job. I lost my job once and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But, I ended up going back to school and getting a job I love. These times are also opportunities to reassess and redirect. And, I don't think you look that different from your pregnancy with Nick.
ReplyDeleteYou have such a cute bump! Definitely looks bigger this time around. :)
ReplyDeleteStay strong! Your husband will find something. Congrats on being preggo and still keeping up running. I have the ironman and love it, however I do think it's harder than the swivel wheel. Just tell yourself it's a work out for your arms as well :)
ReplyDeletesize-wise you look pretty much the same i think! i promised myself that with #2 i would NOT waste time on the fat talk...not that that's what you're doing, but i obsessed so much. i see women pushing double bobs and i think it looks SO HARD!
ReplyDeleteI showed with the second one so much quicker. My pregnancies were the same and I thought for sure I was having a boy because they were so similiar. We waited to find out and were surprised when we had a girl. The heartrates were the same too! Anyway, sorry to hear about your husband's job. I hope something better comes along for him soon. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI think you look pretty much the same. And, I don't think there's anything to the "high vs low" business.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that Bill lost his job! Maybe he can be a stay at home daddy and you can return to work :)
I have no idea on the sex but they do say that heartburn means curly hair. I had zero heartburn with Zach and his hair is STRAIGHT.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to feel better... go look at my belly pics on Liv's blog. I was MUCH bigger than you at 20 weeks, you look great!!
ReplyDeleteYou are the cutest little prego lady I know! You don't even look like you're showing! I vote for girl - only because it would be fun for you to have both :)
ReplyDeleteI am sooooo sorry about Bill loosing his job. I know how hard it can be. My hubbs lost his job last year at Thanksgiving, thankfully he found a new one within the week but it was the most stressful time of our lives. Maybe you could go back and Bill could stay home? Best of both worlds?
Hang in there - I'm sending lots of good thoughts and hugs your way :)
You just look like you ate a big meal, not like you are pregnant. If more people looked like you at 20 weeks I think there would be a lot more pregos around ;)
ReplyDeleteI think you will have a boy. I've heard that the closer in age they are the more likely you will have what you had before. But who knows?:) I'm sorry about your husband. Thats really sad.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love the recipes and food tips you give. I put flax seed in my food all the time now and I love, love organic milk. Now that I've tried it. I won't ever go back!
You'll definitely show more quickly in subsequent pregnancies. Your muscles just aren't the same and your body "knows" what to do so it does it more quickly. With the first, I really didn't get that bump till about 26 weeks...the second one brought the bump on around 16 or 18 weeks. Don't be surprised when your dilated 3cm and effaced 80% starting around 32 weeks or so....just the way it happens the body prepares earlier.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with another boy!
i'm so sorry to hear about bill and the job. that's terrible. i hope he finds something better!