
A container of almond/peanut butter

How long does it take you to go through a container of peanut butter or almond butter?

I think I need to cut back...

Running - Had a great long run with my friend Nicole who was home for the weekend, Abby and Bess. It was fun running in a pack and it went by quickly!

Swimming - Chose to swim in the slower lane today - the people are nicer and less frustrating for me.

Eating - I'm eating pretty clean, but need to make sure my portion sizes are moderate. So far, I've lost about a pound.

Nick is 7 months! So I have no excuse as to why my body is still on the up and up.


  1. Congrats on the long run!

    I go through a jar of PB in about a month. The nutella only lasts a week.... ;)

  2. Don't beat yourself up too much! You look awesome, and you are really active! Nick is ONLY 7 months and I think you're doing awesome! Good job on getting the run in!
    BTW, I ask myself this question all the time: is a jar of P.B. or Almond butter a week too much? Meh, I don't think so, since it really is good for us! :)

  3. Oddly, it depends on what else I have in the house as to how fast I go through almond butter. If it's an apple week, I go through a ton. If it's a grapte/pineapple week, not nearly as much. I probably go through a small jar about every couple weeks.

  4. oh gosh.. I used to eat like a jar a week.. HORRIBLE!! now i probably take like a month, but I eat other nuts during the week

  5. Just found your blog. I'm 8 months preggers and still running - very slowly though! Congrats on running through pregnancy and your baby turning 7 months! As a mom-to-be, I look forward to reading any advice you have on getting back into running once baby arrives!

  6. I use 2 T of almond butter a day on most days of the week. It depends on the size of the jar.

  7. it can go super fast or super slow...i go through phases!

  8. Now that I keep adding it to oat bran and porridge in the mornings . .. probably not very long :)

  9. you say 7 months like you should be back to normal. From 2 babies I can honestly say that it truely did take about 10-12 months (even being active and eating well) for my body to get back to pre-preggo size. But I have heard tons of times that it actually takes a woman's body about 2 years to completely recover from a pregnancy.

    Take it easy on yourself, you're doing great! and you look fantastic!!

  10. Um, I'm lucky if a container lasts a week. Seriously. That's why I don't buy it anymore.
