Running - what's your therapy?
Now - carbs was a suggestion (and thank you for all of the suggestions!) How many carbs do you eat in a day? Mine is well over 200 and I didn't eat any bread, or pasta today. I did eat cereal. Do you cut out cereal too? Fruits, veggies, milk - all send it up there. What do you eat for breakfast if you are watching carbs? I almost always eat oatmeal,oatbran or cereal. I don't know if I will cut that out. I'm going to try for 2 weeks of counting and see if I see any results then re-evaluate! I don't feel tired so far, nor hungry. When I counted the first day, I felt like I was eating way more than that prior - so just being more mindful for a week or 2 seems like it will help!
I invite you to visit these blogs:
Angelea - food blog - Angelea came out of the wordworks and made a whole bunch of bids on auction day and has donated so much to help me to get sooo close to my goal ($246 to go!)
Danica's Daily - I made this eggplant lasagna for dinner tonight. It was AWESOME. Her blog has great ideas.
Operation Calorie Count
I don't want to cut calories much but want to be more aware. Today I went for 1800. I feel pretty decent. I think that is a good #, with max 2000, but this still seems high. I especially don't want to cut many out and decrease the milk supply. I'm at a loss though. 6 months out and I feel like I am gaining weight, when I wanted to be below my pre-preg weight. One thing that is killer is actually being at home all day. When I was working, I was walking up 3 flights to get to my classroom and so busy that I was eating only when I was really hungry. If you have any tips for me, please pass them along. I feel like I've given my body the opportunity to recover from pregnancy and have listened to it, but at this point, I'm ready to get rid of my love handles and get flat abs back! Rest of my body seems ok!
I didn't have much time to work more on the tabs, but will soon!
Thank you everyone!
Thank you also for the feedback on the bake sale. The most common thing was the make it longer. It definitely would have helped and I wanted to extend it past Monday, but also wanted to be fair to everyone who made a bid on Monday. 4 boxes of purefit bars - retail $130 - went for $30. That was when I knew it was a fatal mistake to have only one day. 3 jars of peanut butter went for $27 but shipping was $20. Next time, I will know! I also learned alot about shipping, after spending around $80 on it. Check out USPS's flat rate boxes is all that I can say (after the fact)! Needless to say, I ended up raising a great amount of money because of you, and am super appreciative. I am $396.80 from raising $5000 (my personal goal). Some of you have asked me to post the link to donate so here it is! Thank you so much one and all - and especially the generous bakers!
I took Nick swimming today and it thundered outside and they cleared the indoor pool. Really? Never heard of that before!
Word Press versus Blogger
I signed up for Word Press, mainly because I want tabs. I want organization. I don't know how to do it in blogger. But, I am used to blogger and like the setup, besides the tabs. Anyone have advice?
I don't want to pay for someone to fix my blog up for me, but if anyone knows how I can set up tabs in blogger without changing much, would you let me know? And you word press peeps, would you let me know your thoughts, especially if you switched from blogger?
Thanks so much!
Random blurbs
What are your thoughts on the bake sale? If you didn't participate, what held you back from participating? I would love feedback to make it better if I do something like it again. The $20 minimum was to cover shipping for the bakers-it can be super expensive to ship!!
I *tried* to get up and run at 5am this morning for 2 hours. I didn't try hard, I just rolled over and went back to sleep. I ran for an hour in the morning then a half hour later on. I don't think I'm going to even try tomorrow to run in the morning. When I was running, and not into it AT ALL, the Tour was on. It was motivating and cool to watch and enabled me to finish. I think it is neat how the girls wear dresses the same color as the shirt that is being presented. I like the color thing. Lance - he can bike, he can run, can he swim? I wonder if an ironman is in his future...or past?
Baby Talk
When I was dating Bill, I was a wacko. He is from CT and I was living at home in PA. We would see each other on some weekends throughout the summer when we were both living @ home. When he would leave I would be in my room crying - yes crying, because I missed him so much. When I was growing up, I would be head over heels in love (or so I thought) with a boy - and he would be all I could think about, I devoted all my time to the boy and memorized his personal info, and just thought about him all day long. One of them was eating mustard and I didn't like it but ate it anyway. I was insane. It is in my personality - ALL or nothing and I took it to the extreme.
What does this have to do with anything? Lately I feel like I am a little wacko with Nick. I don't want anyone else putting him to bed or watching him. I don't want to miss a moment with him. I already miss the middle of the night holding him and him falling asleep on my shoulder. I don't want him to grow up before my eyes and boom! he's going away to college. I've been all emotional and weird about it and need to let go a bit. I am starting to think going back to work may have been the healthy idea for my attachment issue. I cannot imagine leaving him to go work 5 days a week for a minute as you know. No way! Some days though I just feel like the old me ended when Nick was born and here I am with a totally different life. It is weird. I think it will be hard for me when school starts up in a month. I miss the fulfillment of teaching and haven't been able to find part-time positions @ college level.
Oatmeal Flax Whole Wheat Pancakes (w/ blueberries and almond butter)
Some pancakes from today - it is a mix that you can store, adapted from King Arthur
3.5 cups oats
1/2 c flaxseed
4.5 c flour
3 tbs sugar
2 tbs baking powder
1 tbs salt
1 tbs baking soda
1/2 c smart balance oil
1/2 c hemp oil
(or just use 1 cup oil of your choice)
Put all ingredients except oil in the mixer and mix together. Turn on the mixer and drizzle the oil in while the mixer is running. Squeeze a clump in your hand. If it sticks together, it is just right. if it does not, continue to add 1 tbsp oil at a time until it sticks.
Store in the fridge indefinitely. To use, add 1 egg, 1/2 c milk and 1/2 c yogurt (1 c milk also works) and cinnamon to taste. I also added blueberries to this one and almond butter!
Happy Birthday to my Beez!!
a great big thank you!!
Thoughts on the bake sale:
It was really fun. I would do it again, with a few changes. I would let it run over the whole week to make sure I was getting people to check it out that might have been away on the one day. I wouldn't bake anything. I would really try hard to get outside bakers and donations. The baking to take pictures and then again to send out really took a toll - on my diet, expenses and my time! Having to ship the items to multiple people adds up, and some of the companies that donated shipped things directly to me and then I had to ship out which in some cases cancelled out any money that was made! A good deal of footwork went into setting it up, and so baking just took too much out of it.
There are still a few things that you can bid on - especially the Anzac cookies. I can't believe no one bid on them - they are SOOO good!! And from a native Australian!! (Lizzie!)
I wish I had a setup like Mama Simmons where I had someone that could come watch Nick for 30 minutes while I finished swimming. It is like getting up before 5 to swim for 45 minutes and speed home to get back in time for Bill to leave for work. Sometimes Nick is sleeping when I get home, so I just wish I had a neighbor or friend that could just drink some coffee and read the paper until I returned!!
Masters swimming is out of college and older swimmers who get together and swim! Someone makes up a set every workout and it is like an organized swim workout on intervals. It is great - reminds me of swim practice back in the day. Unforunately I always seem to be one of the youngest people there with older people (like 40s/50s) kicking my a**. The good thing is that there seem to be a good # of triathletes so they can help me to get into one I bet!
I don't know how I"m getting in a long run this weekend. I'm not interested at all. I have not really followed my training plan this week, I am just doing whatever I feel like. I plan to run the Philly marathon in November and tentatively Steamtown in October, but speedwise, I just don't feel like pushing it right now. I can't get motivated to do so. I'm so tired of my basement treadmill right now too.
Food processor day
I just told Bill that I'm ready to sell my mixer and never buy butter again. :)
Bill thought they had a horrible after taste - I thought AWESOME
Lentils, oats, kale, mushrooms, sunflower butter, salt, pepper and 2 egg whites
And the grand finale.. you have to check this out
The awesome Amanda tagged me for 7 personality traits... so here they are - the good, the bad, the ugly:
1 - Organized - I can be borderline OCD with having things in their places and having no dishes in the sink when I go to bed. I can't leave the house for a weekend away without the counters being cleaned off and dishes washed.
2- Thoughtful - I like to make someone's day and try to help my friends wherever I can. I love just sending things out of the blue to tell someone that I love them.
3- High expectations - This is a bad trait. I have not liked something that a friend has done or how someone has responded or not been there for me, I really hold a grudge and I dump them out of my life. I can be really critical of small things, mostly with my parents, which I'm really trying to work on. I have very high expectations for people because I do for myself, which translates into me being hard on people.
4- Motivated - In general, I'm motivated to do my best, be my best and do what I set out to do. Right now my motivation is super low for running but I still truck through it. I want to be the best that I can be - both in my job, as a mom, wife, and overall life. (rhyme!)
5- Creative - I like making things for people like cards, necklaces, pictures, food!, wedding countdown boards, ... I won't buy anything that I can make on my own.
6- Inner/Hermit/Quiet - Not sure of a good word for this one, but this is another trait I am working on. I'm quiet in that I won't stand up for myself all the time. For instance, one time in daycare they fed Nick formula that was in the diaper bag and I should have flipped out, but I didn't say a word.
Sometimes when I see people from the past that I recognize, I picture myself having an invisibility cloak on - thinking they won't recognize me. I have a self-worth issue sometimes, thinking people won't remember me or want to say hello. If they don't say something, I usually won't either.
Also, lately I realize that I need to tell the people that I love that I love them more often. I think about it - but I don't show it all the time. For instance, Bill. I think about how much I miss him during the day and how much he means to me, and think of things that I want to tell him, or something will remind me of him, but then when he gets home, I'm focused on having "me" time and getting things done that I wanted to do all day, and then it is time for bed. I do the same with my parents - instead I give them a hard time about things. In general, I need to work on showing the people that I love that I really love them!
And last, I'm a hermit in that I prefer being home. I don't like traveling anymore. I like my routine and would just like to be home!
7 - Hard core, Type A - I am usually all in or all out. I've been a vegetarian since I was 13 which kind of sums up my personality. One day I just decided that I wasn't going to eat meat anymore and I just stopped eating it! If I set my mind to something, I do it. If I don't want to do something or be somewhere, it is made known to everyone (usually just by looking at my face).
Masters, Baking
I'm happy to report that I was up and out to get to the Masters practice both Monday & today . I got there before 5:30 and swam till 6:15. On the first day you never know where to swim, and I started in a lane which turned out being all middle aged men that kicked my A**!! I kept telling myself I could make it for 45 minutes. Today I moved over with the ladies in the next lane that seemed to be going more my pace! The first set was 16 x 100s. There is no way ever that I would do it on my own. I'm definitely swimming faster and more motivated to swim. I wish that I could stay later and finish the workouts, though. I need a live in nanny to watch Nick when Bill leaves for work (around 6:40) until I get home. It is good for me to workout with a group and socialize in non baby talk. Next Tues I have having minor wrist surgery (it is called de quervains release - a problem that I think started from typing up midterms in Jan '08 using equation editor and cut and paste to put the exams online), so I will be out 10 days but will return to do it when it is healed.
After all of the baking that I did for the sale- some of it for nothing :( I decided that it is much for fulfilling to make healthy things. Speaking of the sale, THANK YOU to everyone who participated and donated! Although I am a little disappointed at the "turnout," I am so happy to have made more money towards my goal! And touched by the generosity of people who I have never met. I thank you so much!
There are still several items here by various generous bakers who have been so kind to make these items. Please consider bidding - the sale will go the rest of the week or sooner if items get a bid. These make a great treat to send to a friend! Thank you very much.
ITEMS STILL UP FOR GRABS! tosha25italia@yahoo
5. Anzac biscuits donated by Lizzie
A traditional Australian cookie, these delights are made with rolled oats, coconut, butter, sugar and golden syrup. They are full of energy! They make a great light snack for the bride on her wedding day, or a pick me up for the long run! Enjoy 2 dozen of these energizing "biscuits."
Current Bid:
8. Exercise at home set donated by Level 5
Did you quit the gym to save money or are you stuck at home with your kids? This "Exercise is Magic" workout DVD and "Exercise Anywhere" card deck will help you to stay fit right in your home.
Current Bid:
9. Green chai tea shortbread - N.D.
Green tea has some amazing health benefits. Pair that with the flavors of delicious chai, and you have a powerhouse shortbread! Each cookie has the equivalent of half of a cup of green tea. Do something good for your body today and bid on 2 dozen of these antioxidant shortbread delights!
Current Bid:
10. The ultimate chip cookies (customizable) - N.D.
Searching for the ultimate chocolate chip cookie? Full of your favorite chips (white chocolate, dark chocolate, semi-sweet, peanut butter, or butterscotch) and topped off with sea salt, these cookies are sure to delight! Bid on 2 dozen of these classics - you won't be disappointed! Send to a friend for some birthday wishes!

Current Bid:$20

18.Harvest Muffins
donated by Katrina@ Gluten Free Gidget
One dozen subtly sweet corn muffins with a hint of pumpkin and spice. A delectable treat for any time of year! Gluten free (dairy free upon request)
Current Bid:$20
25. Peanut Butter Date Blondies- N.D.
If you like peanut butter, then you will love these peanut butter date blondies. A strong taste of peanut butter with dates and peanuts thrown into the mix. These are very rich and tasty. 16 blondies.
Current Bid:
26. Rosemary Bread - Abby
Do you need to carbo load? The ultimate carb loading bread - I had it the days before my 20 miler in March and rocked it! It has a delicious rosemary taste. Pairs nicely with pasta but it is also a great treat on its own!
Current Bid:
28. Peanut Butter Granola donated by Kristen
Peanut butter, smart balance oil, oats, agave nectar, brown rice syrup and a hint of cinnamon. Perfect for an on - the - go snack, or great with milk in the morning. Enjoy a bag of this nutty treat.
Current Bid:
30. Faux Oreos - donated by Marybeth
A classic favorite, here's a King Arthur take on the nabisco oreo cookie made with cocoa and whole wheat flour. 16 large sandwich cookies.
Current Bid:
And the bidding continues!
Welcome to my Blogging Bakesale (+ more!) Auction! I hope you are ready to
get your bid on!
Before you begin please review the Rules & Logistics.
This is for a great cause! All funds raised from this event will go directly to DANA FARBER for cancer research and I'm hoping I will reach or exceed my goal with this event. I'm so thankful for your help and to all of those who donated. THANK YOU!!
Remember there is a minimum bid of $20 on each item and all bids must be emailed to me It helps if you tell me the item # when you email me :)
Auction opened to US and Canada residents only.
I will update the bid on each item throughout the day ! Let me know if you have any questions. Unfortunately, I cannot be responsible for items that are lost or not received, but let's hope that does not happen!

by Bess at Toenails are for Wusses
Looking for some healthy, wheat free granola? Look no further than messy Bessey's Homemade Granola, made with only the finest ingredients , including oats, dates, raisins, flaxseeds, honey, almond butter, cinnamon and vanilla. Great with milk or all alone!
Current Bid:$20

donated by Angela from Glo Bakery
Are you ready to feel super energized with Glo Bakery's On the Glo II squares?? Well here is your chance! Bid on these amazingly delicious, wheat free, all natural and vegan energy bars! Your choice of 16 classic Peanut Butter squares or 16 chocolate peanut butter squares. Pop these into your purse for a quick pick me up anytime, anyplace and get your GLO on! You will experience boundless energy as you speed along your busy days!
Deliciously healthy ingredients include: Organic brown rice syrup, all na

Nutritional Information (Classic PB squares): 160 calories, 8 grams fat (healthy fats from nuts and seeds!), 4 grams protein, 3 grams fibre. (Chocolate PB squares): 177 calories, 8 grams fat (healthy fats from nuts and seeds!), 4 grams protein, 3 grams fibre.
Current Bid: $25
5. Anzac biscuits donated by Lizzie
A traditional Australian cookie, these delights are made with rolled oats, coconut, butter, sugar and golden syrup. They are full of energy! They make a great light snack for the bride on her wedding day, or a pick me up for the long run! Enjoy 2 dozen of these energizing "biscuits."
Current Bid:

7. Chocolate chip banana bread
donated by Rachel @ 365 runs
This potassium rich bread is great for a quick morning breakfast or afternoon pick me up! Try spreading it with peanut butter for an added boost of protein!
Current Bid:$25
8. Exercise at home set donated by Level 5
Did you quit the gym to save money or are you stuck at home with your kids? This "Exercise is Magic" workout DVD and "Exercise Anywhere" card deck will help you to stay fit right in your home.
Current Bid:
9. Green chai tea shortbread - N.D.
Green tea has some amazing health benefits. Pair that with the flavors of delicious chai, and you have a powerhouse shortbread! Each cookie has the equivalent of half of a cup of green tea. Do something good for your body today and bid on 2 dozen of these antioxidant shortbread delights!
Current Bid:
10. The ultimate chip cookies (customizable) - N.D.
Searching for the ultimate chocolate chip cookie? Full of your favorite chips (white chocolate, dark chocolate, semi-sweet, peanut butter, or butterscotch) and topped off with sea salt, these cookies are sure to delight! Bid on 2 dozen of these classics - you won't be disappointed! Send to a friend for some birthday wishes!

Current Bid:

18.Harvest Muffins
donated by Katrina@ Gluten Free Gidget
One dozen subtly sweet corn muffins with a hint of pumpkin and spice. A delectable treat for any time of year! Gluten free (dairy free upon request)
Current Bid:
25. Peanut Butter Date Blondies- N.D.
If you like peanut butter, then you will love these peanut butter date blondies. A strong taste of peanut butter with dates and peanuts thrown into the mix. These are very rich and tasty. 16 blondies.
Current Bid:
26. Rosemary Bread - Abby
Do you need to carbo load? The ultimate carb loading bread - I had it the days before my 20 miler in March and rocked it! It has a delicious rosemary taste. Pairs nicely with pasta but it is also a great treat on its own!
Current Bid:
28. Peanut Butter Granola donated by Kristen
Peanut butter, smart balance oil, oats, agave nectar, brown rice syrup and a hint of cinnamon. Perfect for an on - the - go snack, or great with milk in the morning. Enjoy a bag of this nutty treat.
Current Bid:
30. Faux Oreos - donated by Marybeth
A classic favorite, here's a King Arthur take on the nabisco oreo cookie made with cocoa and whole wheat flour. 16 large sandwich cookies.
Current Bid:
Dana Farber Bake Sale!
get your bid on!
Before you begin please review the Rules & Logistics.
This is for a great cause! All funds raised from this event will go directly to DANA FARBER for cancer research and I'm hoping I will reach or exceed my goal with this event. I'm so thankful for your help and to all of those who donated. THANK YOU!!
Remember there is a minimum bid of $20 on each item and all bids must be emailed to me It helps if you tell me the item # when you email me :)
Auction opened to US and Canada residents only.
I will update the bid on each item throughout the day ! Let me know if you have any questions. Unfortunately, I cannot be responsible for items that are lost or not received, but let's hope that does not happen!

by Bess at Toenails are for Wusses
Looking for some healthy, wheat free granola? Look no further than messy Bessey's Homemade Granola, made with only the finest ingredients , including oats, dates, raisins, flaxseeds, honey, almond butter, cinnamon and vanilla. Great with milk or all alone!
Current Bid:

2. Peanut butter surprise cookies
donated by Amber @ Adventures in the Pioneer Valley.
US only.
Two dozen chocolate cookies with peanut butter surprise in the middle. These are always a big hit with the surprise center! Not only do they look delicious, they taste delicious too!
Current Bid:$20

donated by Angela from Glo Bakery
Are you ready to feel super energized with Glo Bakery's On the Glo II squares?? Well here is your chance! Bid on these amazingly delicious, wheat free, all natural and vegan energy bars! Your choice of 16 classic Peanut Butter squares or 16 chocolate peanut butter squares. Pop these into your purse for a quick pick me up anytime, anyplace and get your GLO on! You will experience boundless energy as you speed along your busy days!
Deliciously healthy ingredients include: Organic brown rice syrup, all na

Nutritional Information (Classic PB squares): 160 calories, 8 grams fat (healthy fats from nuts and seeds!), 4 grams protein, 3 grams fibre. (Chocolate PB squares): 177 calories, 8 grams fat (healthy fats from nuts and seeds!), 4 grams protein, 3 grams fibre.
Current Bid:

4. One dozen mini cupcakes donated by Nicole.
Looking for a small but delicious treat? They look too pretty to eat, but these cakes are absolutely divine. Bid on your choice of flavors, including classic, neopolitan, summer classics, simply vanilla, chocolate, tropical, international or gluten free! These would make a nice birthday treat! Current Bid:$25
5. Anzac biscuits donated by Lizzie
A traditional Australian cookie, these delights are made with rolled oats, coconut, butter, sugar and golden syrup. They are full of energy! They make a great light snack for the bride on her wedding day, or a pick me up for the long run! Enjoy 2 dozen of these energizing "biscuits."
Current Bid:
6. Gluten free gift box

donated by Amy at Gluten Free Life.
This gift box includes a Chocolate Chip Muffin, Apple Pie Muffin, Flax Shortbread Cookie, Snickerdoodle Cookie, and a loaf of Country Brown Bread. Perfect for the gluten free friend or family member or to keep for yourself!
Current Bid: $20

7. Chocolate chip banana bread
donated by Rachel @ 365 runs
This potassium rich bread is great for a quick morning breakfast or afternoon pick me up! Try spreading it with peanut butter for an added boost of protein!
Current Bid:
8. Exercise at home set donated by Level 5
Did you quit the gym to save money or are you stuck at home with your kids? This "Exercise is Magic" workout DVD and "Exercise Anywhere" card deck will help you to stay fit right in your home.
Current Bid:
9. Green chai tea shortbread - N.D.
Green tea has some amazing health benefits. Pair that with the flavors of delicious chai, and you have a powerhouse shortbread! Each cookie has the equivalent of half of a cup of green tea. Do something good for your body today and bid on 2 dozen of these antioxidant shortbread delights!
Current Bid:
10. The ultimate chip cookies (customizable) - N.D.
Searching for the ultimate chocolate chip cookie? Full of your favorite chips (white chocolate, dark chocolate, semi-sweet, peanut butter, or butterscotch) and topped off with sea salt, these cookies are sure to delight! Bid on 2 dozen of these classics - you won't be disappointed! Send to a friend for some birthday wishes!

Current Bid: $20
11. Amazing Grass
So you've wanted to try this out but haven't yet? This is an awesome sampler pack of amazing smoothies for meals and snacks, and a superfun smoothie cup with lid. 3 amazing meals and 3 superfood/wheat grass packets. Don't miss out!
Current Bid: $30
12.Peanut butter bread - N.D.
Get your peanut butter fix with this peanut butter bread, made with natural peanut butter. Enjoy one loaf of this peanut butter rich bread, great for a morning treat or late night craving!
Current Bid: $20
13. Tasty mini doughnuts- N.D.
Choose from vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, or peanut butter doughnuts with choclate, vanilla bean, chocolate chip or maple icing. These are a perfect mini treat and would make a great birthday surprise! 16 mini doughnuts.
Current Bid:
14. Owater donated by Addie at Ow

2 mixed cases (12 bottles each) of the top flavors of infused and unsweetened owater!
Infused owater - your healthy sports drink. Everything that you want from a sports drink - minus the junk! Replenishing electrolytes, revitalizing antioxidants, sweetened with just a touch of pure cane sugar. Made with all natural fruit flavors and no fake sweeteners.
Unsweetened owater - the perfect electrolyte drink with natural fruit flavor. Think of a glass of cool water with a slice of lemon... or lime, strawberry peach or wildberries. Zero calories - grab a bottle for complete hydration that is refreshing and not sweet.
Current Bid: $25
15. Chocolate chip cookie sampler - N.D.
6 vegan chocolate chip cookies, 24 almost vegan double chocolate minis, and one dozen vegan raw chocolate chip cookies. Vegan cookies are made with oil, whole wheat flour and carob chips. Double chocolate minis are made with butter, whole wheat flour, flax and chocolate chips (no eggs). Raw chocolate chip cookies are vegan, made with cashews, almonds, agave nectar, coconut oil, and carob chips.
Current Bid: $20

donated by Meg@ One Thing
A super moist and tasty banana bread made with rolled oats, whole wheat flour, and ground flaxseed - for some super health benefits. The recipe is from a Moosewood cookbook.
Current Bid: $20

17. White chocolate chip Brownies
donated by Rachel@ 365 runs
2 dozen rich, fudgy brownies made with white chocolate chips!
Current Bid:$20

18.Harvest Muffins
donated by Katrina@ Gluten Free Gidget
One dozen subtly sweet corn muffins with a hint of pumpkin and spice. A delectable treat for any time of year! Gluten free (dairy free upon request)
Current Bid:
19. Once again nut butters
donated by Gael at once agai

Are you into nut butters? If not, you have to try them! Made from high quality ground nuts, these butters are perfect to add to your oatmeal, top a slice of bread, or to eat right from the jar! Bid on a sampler pack of cashew, almond and sunflower nut butters. (3 jars)
Current Bid: $27
20. Raw sampler - N.D.
Want to start baking raw? This raw sampler will get you started in the right direction. It includes agave nectar, a pound of cashews and almonds, sunflower seeds and unsweetened coconut.
Current Bid: $20
21. 72% dark chocolate flax brownies
72% dark chocolate brownies made with flaxseed and whole wheat flour. All natural and cakelike!
Current Bid:$20

22. Caramel Apricot Pecan Tart
donated by Marci
The perfect mixture of sweet and a touch of Fleur de Sel give these tarts a sweet and salty taste. Recipe from the blog,
23.Customizable Powerbars donated by Marlene

16 delicious power bar squares made with nut butter (winner chooses almond or peanut), honey, vanilla, puffed brown rice cereal, and any combination of the following that the winner desires: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, dried cranberries, raisins, & chocolate chips.
Current Bid:$150
24. Samoa Blondies donated by Kristen
Do you love the girl scout cookies Samoas? If so, you are in for a treat! You are going to love these samoa blondies. Made with coconut, dark chocolate and whole wheat flour, these blondies taste just like the real thing! Who says you can't get girl scout cookies any time of year? These might just be better. 16 chocolate coconutty blondies.
Current Bid: $20
25. Peanut Butter Date Blondies- N.D.
If you like peanut butter, then you will love these peanut butter date blondies. A strong taste of peanut butter with dates and peanuts thrown into the mix. These are very rich and tasty. 16 blondies.
Current Bid:
26. Rosemary Bread - Abby
Do you need to carbo load? The ultimate carb loading bread - I had it the days before my 20 miler in March and rocked it! It has a delicious rosemary taste. Pairs nicely with pasta but it is also a great treat on its own!
Current Bid:
27. Pure Fit Bars donated by Robb at PureFit
4 boxes of pure fit bars! Looking for a new protein bar to try? The pure fit bars have 100% all natural ingredients including agave nectar, brown rice syrup and soy protein. These taste good, and are packed with 18 grams protein and 230 calories on average (240 for the peanut butter). The highest bidder can choose the flavors that they want (almond crunch, berry almond crunch, peanut butter or chocolate brownie). Wheat, dairy and gluten free. Vegan.

Current Bid: $25
28. Peanut Butter Granola donated by Kristen
Peanut butter, smart balance oil, oats, agave nectar, brown rice syrup and a hint of cinnamon. Perfect for an on - the - go snack, or great with milk in the morning. Enjoy a bag of this nutty treat.
Current Bid:
29. Chocolate Chip Cookie Sampler - #2- N.D.
6 vegan chocolate chip cookies, 24 almost vegan double chocolate minis, and one dozen vegan raw chocolate chip cookies. Vegan cookies are made with oil, whole wheat flour and carob chips. Double chocolate minis are made with butter, whole wheat flour, flax and chocolate chips (no eggs). Raw chocolate chip cookies are vegan, made with cashews, almonds, agave nectar, coconut oil, and carob chips.
Current Bid:$20
30. Faux Oreos - donated by Marybeth
A classic favorite, here's a King Arthur take on the nabisco oreo cookie made with cocoa and whole wheat flour. 16 large sandwich cookies.
Current Bid:
31. Energy Blast Cookies
These cookies are loaded with tons of energizing ingredients including oats, almond butter, coconut, hemp protein powder and flax. Whole wheat flour. These include eggs. Recipe adapted from Dreena's Super Charge Me! cookies.
Current Bid: $20