
THe 'bers and wish list

Once September hits, then October...Christmas is right around the corner. It's the beginning of the months ending in BER - and the fall/winter season! I love fall. It is by far my favorite season, surpassing summer by a huge chunk! Christmas is also my birthday and I just realized that I am more than 30.5 years old and have been for a while and am going to hit 31 this December. Sickening. In any case, I already have a wish list of what I am coveting so I wanted to start keeping track of it :)

YES definitely list
* A new bottom to our sleigh bed (Story behind that one - When we got married I picked out a sleigh bed with raised top and bottom, and my inlaws ended up picking a furniture set for us and it didn't have the bottom that I wanted... I bang into it ALL the time and I want the raised bottom so bad!)

* pedicure, manicure, a new face...any spa treatments that will reduce my age

* Road ID. I should have bought one of these things for myself but I haven't.

* Babysitter for a few hours. How nice would it be to have a bunch of time to myself- pair it with the spa. Love it.

*Pottery Barn (and pottery barn Kids) gift certificates so I can make over my house

* Clothes gift certificates so I can get a new MOM wardrobe. All my shirts seem too short!! poo.

MAYBE list

* one of those things that goes on your treadmill for your laptop so that you can use it while on there. Hey, maybe I'd walk more instead of sitting while reading/commenting on blogs. Do you have one? What do you think?

DREAM list *
A maid and personal chef + live in trainer and swing set in my backyard + indoor pool

What is on your list?


  1. Get the baby sitter now! A good baby sitter is the best thing ever. I just had one over tonight so I can swim. It's just nice to know you can count on someone when you need that time alone.

  2. Aero bars for my bike is at the top of my wish list. And pretty much everything on your dream list. Sign me up for that too.

  3. I agree with you on the shirts being too short! Is it because we got used to the maternity tops being so long??

    Hmmm, a really nice camera is on my list!

  4. Love your list. I think going to the day spa at least once a month would do wonders:)

  5. I do have the surfshelf on my treadmill and loved it. I'm in the apartment now so I can't use it clearly the treadmill is in KC, but it was great for me.

    hmm I bet I don't really get anything this year...we are tapped out with the move

  6. Um, yes, I could definitely go with your DREAM list as well. Except the swing set. ;)

    I love the BER months. They're my fave!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. I need a bunch of good shoes. So I picked out a few pairs that I hope I get. I don't blink spending $100 plus on running shoes, but some reason I do when it comes to everyday shoes, but since my arch issue I have to upgrade my shoes.


    As for the road ID, you can just go to petsmart and make yourself a dog tag and tie it to your shoe, its cheaper.

  8. I have no idea what I want and everyone keeps asking! Ack!

  9. Oh I want a Maid too :)

    Thanks for stopping in on my Blog..

    I am thinking of asking for race entries as gifts this year..

  10. Oh my gosh....ditto on the Pottery barn gift certificates! I need house stuff in a bad, bad way. I'm so indecisive that our house seriously looks like we just moved in. It's bad!

  11. I love your christmas list! Does Bill read your blog? :)

  12. A maid.

    All I want is a maid.

    Is that too much to ask???

  13. List seems reasonable...but I'd get the road id now. Better safe than sorry.
