
Best of both worlds

I slept in this morning, after going to bed around 9, until 6:30. I was just going to take an off day because I'm so tired lately (house, kids, training) and the bike ride yesterday just killed me. The kids didn't even get up till 7:30 - go figure. While Nick was napping, Kara was awake so I put her in the stroller and did laps around our complex for a while. So I got to sleep in and work out during "nap time." My pace was so slow, I don't even know how people run normal pace or fast with the joggers. I am so slow with it.  I feel like I could have gone for hours and hours to clear my head. She fell asleep for 30 minutes so that was good.   I used the double jogger because it has the swivel wheel. I want to sell my ironman and get a single revolution on craigs list! That thing annoys me that it won't make turns easily.

Nick is getting into fighting bed time. What kills me is that he has been a great routine/ bedtime kid on his own all this time (he just turned 2 1/2). We would do bath, read books and say goodnight and he'd go to sleep on his own.  I don't know what happened but he wants us to lay with him and rub his back.   Now the storms last week didn't help too much but it shouldn't be just that. It's 9pm and he's still awake and this has been going on for probably 3-4 nights now. I can't help but blame my mom because I feel like she always lays with him and goes to sleep with him and leaves the light on when he asks. And I know that's cruel because it's sweet for grandma to do that, but it totally screws us up and takes away any spouse time that we have. Is this a phase? Did it happen to you?


  1. SO happened to us with bedtime. ironically it was vacation that got us back on track. i bought into the crying and stayed in her room just to make her go to sleep already. 2 to 2.5 wasthe bad time for us...now we're good again...please don't let that jinx it...

  2. Baker is a good sleeper but I've noticed that as he's gotten older, he stays up later which means sometimes he just has to play and talk in his bed for a while by himself. Also, I think 2.5 is about the age when fears start kicking in. That's when I noticed him being a little more fearful of thunderstorms, the dark, etc. We have our routine of a book, a song, prayers and lights out. He knows that is the routine and I always leave the room when it is done. Hang in there, sounds like a stage!

  3. Oh, that comment is from The Chapples - I can never sign in with my Blogger name on your comments for some reason!

  4. Good thinking Watson. I like getting a workout while they are with you in the buggy. I've just bought a bike seat for Murray so we can have a bike workout together. It def helps to appease the guilt fest. Don't worry about the pace. You'll be working extra hard so when you run without it, it will feel super easy. Sleep is important. I think it is fair to expect your parents to follow your bed time routine. I do mine. You and hubby need your together time. I hope it passes quickly.

  5. Glad you were able to squeeze in a run during nap time!

    No insights here, but hopefully Nick will go back to being a good sleeper for you!

  6. Zach is a nightmare to get to bed lately. Part of it is the sun is still out, part of it is all the neighbor kids are older and he knows they aren't going to bed, and part of it is just being a kid. He lays there screaming "Mommy, I need you. Mommy I don't want to go to bed." I've just been letting him scream it out. Although honestly I made the mistake one night of going in and rocking him because it just felt so good to have him rest his head on my shoulder because I know soon he'll be too old for that. But after that night it was back to being a hard line taking mama.

  7. Routine, routine, routine. It is the key for good bedtime habits (and some mom and dad time :-). After every visit to my in laws I feel like Samantha has to re-learn how to go to bed. Good luck and stand your ground with your bedtime rules. It really is worth it for everyone.
