The winner of Oprah's giveaway (hehe) is the Happy Runner selected by #13!!
Runners Log, Gu, Beans, raw choc chip cookies, Lara homemade bars, Pb flax granola bars & PB Oaties. :) Hope you like nuts!!
The winner of some pb flax oaties is *Lisa*
Winners email me at tosha25italia@yahoo
Thanks everyone for your awesome snack ideas!
Here and there - some random things:
My nike+ died several months ago. It was only a year and a few months old. I finally brought it to an apple store and they told me I basically had to buy a new one. There are no battery replacements (and the warranty only covers it for 1 year). Just incase you are on the market for one, you should know this!
After school let out and I stopped hearing from kids and reading emails from work (I wanted to) on a daily basis, it has been easier for me to not be thinking about teaching. I think September will be hard, and I finally heard back from my district that I CANNOT sub and jobshare will NOT be an option. However, the past week or two, I am feeling good about being home and can't imagine leaving Nick for more than a couple of days a week. He does new things every day and I love seeing them and watching him grow. He'll be 5 months soon and I don't know where the time went! So, I feel good that I have taken the opportunity to take some time off and be poor for a bit. I think it is worth it.
Thanks for your help yesterday - I don't feel like I am eating badly! Maybe the nursing is keeping the pounds on but I thought that was burning calories plus an active workout schedule... I don't get it! I've cut the pb out of the oatmeal in the morning (that was just an unnecessary thing and bad idea). I really cut back on cheese. I was eating it daily. I have 2 smoothies most days, one w/ veggies and banana and protein powder and one with fruit and hemp powder. It is fun making the raw food, but also still counts as dessert to me!
Moms - what foods do you make yourself for the baby and what do you buy pre made?
Alison gave me a great tip to just mash the banana - no food processor, and Angela - same w/ avocado, what else are some easy foods to make? So far, Nick has had apples, oats, rice, pears, bananas and prunes. I think I am going to go through all the fruits then try all the veggies. I wanted to wait till he was 6 months, but since he is constipated often, the pediatrician said to start the solids. So far it hasn't helped him, but he is into the solids!
Yesterday I did some yoga on demand w/ some guy - thighs and butt or something. I feel THAT today!! :)